About Us

A Few Words

About Us

NNK Staff Sacco Limited is a Sacco duly registered under The Ministry of Trade, Industrialization and Enterprise Development. The same was registered on 21″ April 1987 and started operations with about 20 members then localized to the law firm of Ndungu Njoroge & Kwach Advocates. Today the Sacco boasts a membership of 75 members with employees of NNK Advocates and TripleOKLaw Advocates as the main members. Nevertheless, we have accommodated membership from other institutions. The Sacco is run in accordance with its by-laws and the larger Sacco legislative regime. The Sacco is a member of KUSCCO, the umbrella Sacco body.

Admission to NNK Sacco is by Management Committee. As a new member you will sign an application for registration and be confirmed during a General Meeting. You will be provided with a Copy of the Sacco’s by-laws,entered into the members register and issued with a card.Current members have been sourced from a pool of NNK Advocates employees and other like-minded legal institutions. Prospective members are expected to be adults of good character able to abide by the Sacco bylaws. An entrance fee of Kshs. 2,000/- is charged.
The Sacco's supreme organ is the members at the Annual General Meeting who delegate day today running to the Management committee. The oversight is done by the Supervisory Committee. Working committees under any of the two organs may be formed to undertake specific tasks.
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