Karibu NNK Sacco Limited


Karibu NNK Staff Sacco Limited


222 9281

Call for free!
St. George's House, Parliament road, 4th floor, Nairobi
Respect & Compassion

Our Services

Welfare Fund

It will cater for funeral benefits. The Sacco is also exploring possible insurance cover for funeral expenses with a reputable insurance company before the fund is well established.

Normal /Development Loan

Maturity period is 4-5 years. for 4 years the interest is set at 1% per month or 12% p.a. on a reducing balance while for 5 years interest is 1.25% per month or 15% p.a. on a reducing balance

Refinancing Loan

This is given to members with existing normal/development loans for completing ongoing projects and is payable within one or two years. for the 2 years maturity period, the interest is 1% per month or 12% p.a. on a reducing balance while If above one year but within two years interest is 1.25% per month or 15% p.a. on a reducing balance.

School Fees Loan

For members or close relatives' education. It is payable within one or two years. For one year the interest is 1% per month or 12% p.a. on a reducing balance and for two years interest is 1.25% per month or 15% p.a. on a reducing balance

Emergency Loan

Given in cases of death, sickness or other emergency. Subject to discretion of management committee.

Holiday Loan

For holiday goers maximum is Kshs. 100,000/. Payable within one year at 1.5% per month or 18% p.a.


Our objective is to provide timely and quality financial and allied services to our members as per their need.

To empower members by providing quality and sustainable financial solutions.
To be a market leader in the provision of member driven financial services.
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Happy Members
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Years of Experience